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C o n c e r t c y c l u s
Classico - ma non troppo
(Classical - but not too much)
with the
Chamber String Orchestra “Leonardo da Vinci”
___________ M a d e  i n  E u r o p e ___________
Berlin     -     Federal Republic of Germany     -     European Union

The idea: Joie de vivre, genius and a skillful handling of everything - these are the true abilities of every man, if he knows what he is doing. Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) was not only a brilliant universal genius with the most diverse talents and abilities, but also a great teacher of life who left us wonderful principles: from curiosita (the childlike wonder, admiration and experience of the world) to arte or szienza (the universal sense of art) and connessione (the omnipresent connection with everything and everyone). Our namesake had a great thirst for research and a great fascination for the diversity and beauty of nature. In his spirit, we don't want to dedicate ourselves exclusively to music, but rather organize the concerts comprehensively.
The "Classico ma non troppo" association founds the  L e o n a r d o  d a  V i n c i  C h a m b e r  O r c h e s t r a  and plans a concert cycle with top-class soloists in the chamber music hall of the Philharmonie Berlin (01.06.2025, 02.10.2025, 27.02.2026, 06.06.2026 ...) as well as Europe-wide tours with each program. This consists of classical and popular music. Special feature: there is no concertmaster, but a rotation from movement to movement.

Therefore we are looking for: Young, talented string players and other instrumentalists (up to the age of 35) from all over Europe and Ukraine!

If interested, please contact us with video or audio links at:
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